Saturday, April 27, 2013

PE11: Dual Monitor Workflow Concerns

It would appear that Premiere Elements 11 Expert view Dual Monitor project display is not the same after this project is saved/closed and re-opened to same dual monitor system. Adjustments are required to get the program workspace components back into the monitors as seen before the save.



Given computer dual monitor setup (Multiple Displays "Extend these displays...").

In this example, Monitor 1 (right) displayed desktop with desktop icons and Monitor 2 (left) just displayed the Windows 7 64 bit screensaver.

1. Opened default Premiere Elements 11 Program in Expert view, not selecting Dual Monitor Workflow under the program's Window Menu.

2. Added Media...4 jpegs to the Expert view Timeline.

3. Then selected Dual Monitor Workflow under the Window Menu.
At this point, the whole Timeline automatically moved to Monitor 2, leaving the rest of the program interface on Monitor 1.


The test protocol called for Timeline and Audio Mixer on Monitor 2 and everything else on Monitor 1.

1. ONLY Expert view offers Dual Monitor Workflow as a choice under the Window Menu, and it is ONLY Expert view that has the Audio Mixer and Smart Mix names under Action Bar/Tools, and they are listed under Tools as separate entities; whereas Quick view has just the Smart Mix of the two named in its Action Bar Tools lineup of options. What makes this more interesting with regard to what you will see going between Expert and Quick views is you will get the same Mixer Options dialog with Smart Fix and Audio Mixer panels if you click on Smart Fix or Audio Mixer name under Export view Action Bar Tools. So, in this case, if you want the Audio Mixer on Monitor 2, then you have to click and drag the mixer Options dialog to Monitor 2.

2. Also of note, if the Monitor 2 Timeline needs to be expanded, that needs to be done on Monitor 1 since the - + slider is not part of the Timeline panel which is now on Monitor 2 along with the Mixer Options dialog/Audio Mixer.

3. If for some reason at this point the view gets changed from Expert to Quick, then the undocked Timeline panel with its media disappears from Monitor 2 and appears on Monitor 1 as the undocked Timeline with media. The opened Audio Mixer disappears completely, leaving the Smart Mix portion of the Mixer Options dialog on Monitor 2.

But, what is all this going to look like when the project is saved, closed, and re-opened to the same setup from which it was created? Here are some of the scenarios that I observed:

A. Project Monitor Displays, Expert view and Dual Monitor Workflow option in effect just before save/close
Monitor 1. Rest of the workspace
Monitor 2. Undocked Time with its media on Video 1 and volume keyframed audio on Audio 1 plus Mixer Options dialog/opened Audio Mixer Panel.

B. Project Monitor Displays, Expert view and Dual Monitor Workflow, after above project saved/closed/reopened
Monitor 1. Undocked Timeline displaying all its media that I had placed in Video 1 and all volume keyframed audio in Audio 1 as well as the rest of the workspace presenting in the Expert view.
Monitor 2. Northing but Windows 7 64 bit screensaver. No signs of Mixer Options/Audio Mixer dialog. The adjustments to get back to view at save/close included:
(a) Drag undocked Timeline from Monitor 1 to 2 and select Dual Monitor Workflow under the Window Menu.
(b) Select Aduio Mixer under Action Bar/Tools, and drag the Mixer Options dialog from Monitor 1 to 2. The Audio Mixer, Audio 1 channel, remembers the settings used for the audio that was volume keyframed using it.

What to make of all this?

Although the saved re-opened project seems to lack "remembrance" of monitor displays associated with Dual Monitor Workflow after re-opening of project saved in that workflow, the program seems to be displaying some memory with regard to whether the saved re-opened project was saved in the Expert or Quick view.
 All sorts of variations on all this, but we will conclude with be aware of the situation and do your mini test runs before the grand projects until you establish a Dual Monitor Workflow to suit your requirements.