Monday, July 16, 2018

PE: Support For TGA Files Update


Back in the days when Premiere Elements 11 was the latest version of Premiere Elements, one of the  ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting blog posts addressed the issue of Premiere Elements 11 lack of support for files with the file extension .tga. Refer to "PE 11: TGA Files/PE 8.0/8.0.1 Title Templates" dated September 19, 2013 and found HERE.


Premiere Elements 11 through to the present version 2018 did not support the .tga file import; whereas Premiere Elements 4 through to 10 did. Furthermore, the program files for versions 4 through 10 each contain Adobe created .tga files*. The paths to these files files are
For Premiere Elements 4.0, 7, 8.0/8.0.1, and 9.0/9.0.1
Local Drive (C:)/Program Files (x86)/Adobe/Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0, 7.0, 8.0,  or 9/Presets/Textures/Common/
For Premiere Elements 10
Local Drive (C:)/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Premiere Elements 10/Presets/Textures/Common/

In today's investigation, .tga support for versions of Premiere Elements later than 11 was evaluated using the Baby Girl rattle Logo_7.tga file from the Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 program files. In each case, the import of this file into Premiere Elements 11 or later failed with the Add Media Failure/Error Message "This type of file is not supported or the required codec is not installed." Control for these findings was successful  importing of the same file into Premiere Elements 10 and earlier on the same computer.


To date, the solution suggested in July 16, 2018 is the same as that suggested back in September 19, 2013; that is,
 .....locate and transfer...template's text files (.prtl) plus graphic files (.tga), convert the .tga to .png, and then place the text and graphic files into the correct locations on the computer hard drive for Premiere Elements ... to use. If this involved a go between 2 computers, a USB 2.0/3.0 Flash Drive could be used for the folders/files transfer.
As an aside, there are reports of issues with Premiere Elements missing media message related to seemingly non existent .tga file. Refer to ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting blog post named "PE 13/13.1: "Where is the File "Business Title_7.tga?" Solved?" dated July 24, 2015  and found HERE.

*Reminder...for these versions, make sure that Content has been installed from Content Disc if Premiere Elements was purchased in box or from the following link if no Content Disc